Things that happend on Friday.

  • Broke traffic laws and got caught (woohoo) (got booked for distrupting traffic in the peak hours).Some low down constable took my papers away.So i called up the CEO of maharashtra. Aw he got me out of it no time. :| And yes I'm bragging about it too.
  • The guys kept on irritating me about where I park my car and kept on pestering me to check my air-bags and my breaks. They finally shut up when I DID TEST MY BRAKES.(esp the handbrakes) and Esteban Sanchez(Eben Varghese) got a small cut on his neck cuz of the seatbelt and the sudden brake tests.
  • Hit a cycle dude walking in the middle of the road who scratched my car.And we stopped only to hear him give me a lecture on how to drive my car on the OTHER SIDE OF THE ROAD so that he can walk in peace.
Things that is happening now.
  • Just got back from meeting Ishrat. We broke off. Yea I know your sorry.. bummer.
  • Our new mexican names are.
  1. Estaben Sanchez=Eben Varghese
  2. Carlos Sanchez=Oscar Varghese
  3. Ishrat Rawoot=Isidora Atractivo
  4. Julio Macho= Joel Coelho
  5. Francisco Atractivo= Paras Sharma
  6. Celestina Apasionado=Christine Johny
  7. Binoy Sam jacob =Fabio Suave
Long Term Stuff-

  • The guys teasing me on where I park my car.


virtualchameleon said...

Dude you forgot Binoy
Binoy Sam jacob =Fabio Suave
Paras Sharma =Francisco Atractivo

Christine said...

'francisco Atractivo'??.. lol

hey but i like my name..
um why the names??
but its kool...

Oscar Varghese said...

dunno joe found it on the net or something.:-??

Christine said...

Julio 'Macho'?!!
I didnt read that one the last time

sorry joe..


hahahaha.. er.. um

glywen9 said...

soooo cute jaju is "macho"

Anonymous said...

Hi people
I do not know what to give for Christmas of the to friends, advise something ....

Anonymous said...

Hello. Good day
Who listens to what music?
I Love songs Justin Timberlake and Paris Hilton