Hopes and Fears

It's been a month since college re-opened (well almost a month) and once again college has been successful in taking my mind off my troubles. Theres so much happening there on a daily basis that you rarely get time to sit down and think about any of it, let alone write about it. But today I feel like writing again so here I am before you. For those of you who didnt know already I had a break-up about a month ago and the same time last month was one of the hardest times I have faced in a while now, probably the worst part of an otherwise awesome year, but its okay Im not complaining. As I look back to last month, I feel lucky to be as composed as I am right now. I cant stress enough how much everyone around me has helped in this. Everytime I had a rough patch, I'd turn inwards first and then talk to my friends and thankfully each time I had someone who could relate to what I was feeling or atleast lend a patient listening ear. Past experiences have helped a lot to make this time easier for me.
But what strikes me the most is the way God has helped me through this and continues to do so everyday. There was no one person in particular who I ran to everytime something was wrong and even when I did turn to people for help the help didnt come in the way I expected it to. Instead of someone sitting me down and advising me what to do I saw people coming to me with the same problems as I was facing. And since I've thought about my problems at length I was equipped to help them deal with their troubles. So instead of someone offering me a solution, I found myself giving those solutions to people. And seeing that they really appreciated the advise and that it genuinely helped them through a rough patch made me feel that I too could overcome. Funny how life teaches you things sometimes.
Ive found inspiration in the most unlikely places and believe it or not it has helped me. Whether it was sitcoms like Scrubs and Friends, or Philosophy, or the very songs I listened to day in and day out on my discman, there were always some pearls of wisdom that I could take from various places and each time I found something like that I felt like someone watching over me was smiling and I'd look up and thank my guardian angels...or whatever it was that was helping me!
The fact that I stand here today, without any pain or hatred in my heart speaks for itself. And I'm hopeful that I will get through this phase too. I have the right people to talk to when I need to. I've found some really close friends in some really unlikely people notably amrita and poornima. At first I thought me and Amu were poles apart, but it seems that though we are different people, we are not so different after all. I learn from her and sometimes helping her with her problems helps me see things in better light. The other friend would be Poornima; though I could relate to her quietness around new people, I never thought she would open up to me. But she did and though she is still quiet sometimes, I know that our friendship means a lot to her. The same would apply for Amu. Noella has always been there with unbiased, frank opinions which were not always what I'd like to hear but were honest opinions. Nice to know that there are still people left who like to tell it like it is and expect others to do the same.
I am not one to express myself so literally. Usually I'd make a general statement like the previous 2 posts, but I dont really care who reads this anymore ( I dont mean that in an offensive way to anyone. Its just that I feel I am getting to that point where I can write with no readers in mind).
Things are going surprisingly well and well I fear that I might jinx it by making this post. I'm really glad I've made new close friends but I'm afraid I'll lose them too. Somehow my worst fears have a knack of catching up with me. I'd love to thank Divya for all the time she spent listening to me at my unstable best. (amu if ure reading this, I dont even have to put up with half of what I put her through). I know all these people have come into my life with a purpose, a good purpose and that I should hold them close while I still have them, but sometimes I feel scared that everyone I get close to may fade away like everyone else has.
I hope this post doesnt alienate my old pals, you guys still mean a lot to me. I know I may not have devoted enough time to everyone and have spoken the wrong things to the wrong people, but please dont judge me for that.
Once again I apologize to all those who have been burdened by me. I hope this posts offends none, because I hold no negativity towards anybody (well maybe some people, but they arent relevant anymore. Maybe I should work on that too....)
Anyway, I dont know if this post means anything to anyone out there....but well like I said, I do this for the love of it. Nothing else matters....

A New Chapter

Well I guess everyone knows what's been up with me over the last few weeks. It's been hard yes, but Im still standing and thankful for that. The last few weeks have taught me a quite a few things, and Ill mention some of those things:

  • Everything must come to and end sooner or later. Whether it ends nicely or in an ugly way or whatever, there's always an end to everything in life (ultimately life itself ends.)
  • Everything in life is transitory. In other words, stuff keeps changing all the time for better or for worse. Some of it may seem bad at first, but may soon turn out be good for the bigger picture. Eventually stuff falls into place and things start to make sense.
  • Life is one big lesson in 'letting go'. Dont want to sound preachy here. But yeah, life is like a training ground for letting everything go for whatever awaits us after life. The more we cling to people/things/pleasures the harder it becomes for us to let go of them which we eventually have to someday. I dont mean to say that one should not get close to anyone simply because everything must end, I'm saying when its time to let go of something, do it. It will be hard, it will hurt and it will take a while to get over the whole thing, but you have to do it because life doesnt come with options, it just gives us situations.
  • The end of one phase doesnt mean the end for good. Its nothing but a transition into another phase of life, which like the other phases will have its own fair share of joys and sorrows.
  • Dont hold on to negativity. Anger and hatred are like last nights leftovers. Theyre all from the past. The longer you hold on to them the uglier theyre gonna get. And well eventually they take a toll on yourself more than anyone else. So vent your anger if you have to, make your discontent apparent while there is time. Negativity is definitely not something you'd want to keep with you for long.
  • When you're down, talk to people about it. No one's problems are unique, or atleast your not the only one in the world with problems. So talk to people, it helps. Its like a safety net, spread it wide and when u fall, it makes sure you bounce right back up.
  • And lastly, learn from the past, but dont live in it. The good ol' days, the darkest times you've ever faced, or just random memories are all in the past. They came, they happened and they're gone never to come back. Be thankful for all that you were fortunate enough to enjoy and stop feeling bad over things that didnt turn out the way you wanted them to. Theyre gone now. All you can do is make sure you dont repeat the same mistakes you made. Situations may strikingly resemble each other, but that doesnt mean the same failures will take place again. If you're facing deja vu, use your past experience as your guide.

A big thank you to everyone who's been looking out for me. Ozz, joe, bin, eben, christine, noella, poornima, divya, jenny, sheila and everyone else I spoke to.....thanks a lot for hearing me out and thanks for all the advice. Stuff will be okay soon, I know it will....
Thats all for now.....

A short drive that turned into a long one

Check the video out!

Eben,Paras And Me were out last night driving on the Western Express Highway. Well my mom doesnt know abt it simply cuz she was in Kerala. :D

I’m gonna be posting ONE of the many vidz we shot! And Click the link to see the pics. ( YEs I was clickin pics and driving) Click here to see the Video.
Theres this one Video(will post later) of us chasing a BMW becuz it looked cool and we wanted to see more of it. Eben was holding the wheel (while i was driving..or shld i say half my head out taking the video) while we sped thru an entire Flyover at 120KMPH!) Read on:
Oscar: Hold the wheel.

Eben :Im not Holding the……( me looking out )Woee! Ok ok im holding it.

Paras : SLOW DOWN! your doing a 100

Oscar : Nope..its 110 now. Ugh its too bumpy! I cant get a clear shot!

Eben: why the hell am I even listening to you…

Oscar : cuz BMW’s do that to you..they DRIVE you crazy. (pun Intented)

P.S play close attention to what we are speaking. Its Hilarious!
