Dads fucking it all up for me. i'm fed up of this shit. Everytime , everytime he has to flare up for nothin.

yest was my mums b'day. He made her cry on her b'day. The fault was partly mine cuz i didnt go for my classes in the morn ( went the evening batch). He gets pissed off cuz I aint going in the morning.Then he ruins it for my mom too. She eventually ends up crying in the evening.
He aint talking to me anymore. I dont mind that. But when he fucks around with me for no damned reason then thats it.
I wont take his shit anymore. Nope. All these years ive kept quiet. Not anymore, I stood upto him today at lunch. He asked why i was wasting the veggies. I told him I didnt want any. "why did u take them in the first place?"| "Just took a lil dont want em anymore"| "Blah Blah Blah (he starts)"|

Yest he took us out for dinner cuz like I said earlier it was my moms b'day.(dumb fool he couldnt take his wife out alone, but that aint the point here) And we're eating right. So when we finish I ask for A Coke( didnt have pepsi)( yes we went to one of those place where they dont keep pepsi for some apparent reason). He said " No your not having Coke or Pepsi" I keep quiet.
Then he looks at my bro and goes "Hey do YOU want pepsi?" (like duh he wants it too, which 12 yr old kid denies pepsi?) "so he goes ahead and buys it"

*So I guess from now onwards I got to say "Hey chris ask dad if I can have a glass of water."*

So I just had my lunch. And I got new privilages in the household.
His words " I dont care about you, you can have food and accomodation. You do what you want"

Oh Joy!


WiseDonkay said...

Dude dont waste your time trying to chnage your dad, he's already hardened his habits, u on the other hand can try to adjust so that u can endure this better,
I mean if u cant cure it atleast endure it.
Dont get ureself to a point where ure contemplating suicide!its not worth it!

WiseDonkay said...

you dont get along with your dad and chances are things will stay the same for a long time to come, the trick is to get urself to point that all the shit gets lost in the background!
Hopefully u can understand this better than I explain it

Oscar Varghese said...

Dude paz you THINK I am even going to CONSIDER suicide?

It was just so as to say man.

...Anu... yes...mine gets worse.

I dont care anymore. Funny thing is it 's already like that paz. Everything just gets lost in the background.

WiseDonkay said...

I dont wanna kill myself
so says the guy who was tryin to sell the idea of jumping out an airplane without a parachute to me :-p

Oscar Varghese said...

HEY whatcha gettin on here eh?

That is ADrenaline Boost :D
Not gettin yourself killed!

How is that getting yourself killed?

Christine said...

i agree with malu kundi(wonder y he stil has that name.. mumble grumble) and i agre with paz....
my solution is: ahem jus wait til i get back... u'll feel better when u see me.... i bring joy wherever i go.... lalalala

ooh ooh i know numbers in arabic
i shall learn tha naional anthem n sing it for you everyday.. its a promise.

i hope u feel better now
n dont kill yourself yet
u have to buy me a skirt remember


dont kill me either..
miss me
missing all of you..